Friday, December 8, 2017

2018 봄학기 등록안내. 2018 Spring Semester registration

 * 조기 등록 ( Early registration)- 2017.12.8~2017.12.15
     등록금할인 혜택( $20  each student)
     If you register early for 2018 Spring semester, you will get $20 off each student.

* 등록 및 신입생 배치고사 ( registration & new student placement test)
    Date:  2018년 2월 3일( 토) 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM
     Place: Palisades church lobby

* 우편등록 ( Mail registration)
    Check payable to Palisades Church 
    Address: 236 Old Tappan Rd., Old Tappan, NJ07675

* Tuition Refund policy
   100% tuition -$10(processing fee)  by January 15th.
   80% of Tuition by January 31st.
   50% of Tuition by February 16th.
   No Refund after February 16th.
   Full credit for next semester.

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