Wednesday, June 8, 2022

2022 봄학기 종업 안내 End of 2022 Spring Semester notice

한별가족 여러분안녕하세요?

학부모님들의 협조와 관심에 힘입어 이번 봄학기도 우리 친구들이 열심히 공부할  있었음에 감사드리며이번  금요일(6 10봄학기를 마칩니다이번 주는   수업  6:30부터  간단한 종업식 순서 전체 활동이 있을 예정입니다.

어린이날 소풍 자원 봉사와 글모음대회 심사위원  다양한 재능 기부로 도움주신 학부모님들께 다시 한번 감사의 마음을 전하며, 한별 가족 모두 건강하고 즐거운 여름방학 지내시길 원합니다.




Dear Han Byul Family,


We are very thankful that our students were able to study hard and have had an enjoyable semester because of our wonderful parent’s support. June 10th is our final day of spring semester. We will have the end of semester celebration and award ceremony from 6:30 pm after homeroom class activities this Friday.


We thank our parents again who help us for our Children’s Day picnic, serve as writing contest judges and offer many other help.


Have a safe and wonderful summer!




Yoon H. Mun, Principal

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