Thursday, August 29, 2024

개학 알림. Welcome message fron the principal



즐거운 여름 방학 보내셨나요?

한별한국학교에서 함께 공부할 신입생과 재학생 가족 여러분을 환영합니다.

개학에 앞서 가을 학기 유의 사항을 알려 드리니 다소 길더라도 자세히 읽고 개학 준비하여 주시기 부탁드립니다.


Dear Han Byul family,


I hope you have had a wonderful summer.

We are excited to be welcoming all of our students, new and current, back to the 2024 Fall Semester.

Please read all of the information below carefully to get ready for the fall semester.


1.     개학일( First day of school):

금요반 (Friday class)- 9/6, 4:30-7:30PM.  

토요반 (Saturday class) -9/7  9:30AM -12:30PM 


2.     학교 주소 (School Address): Prince of Peace Church. 

      106 Orangeburg Rd. Old Tappan, NJ 07675

             학교 들어 오시는 길은 일방통행 입니다교회 건물  파킹장에 주차하시고,    

             Preschool entrance  들어 오시기 바랍니다.

             Please note that it's one-way when you enter the Church driveway.                                        Park your car at the parking lot behind the church building and

            enter the Preschool entrance.


3.     개학   2-3 동안에는 담임선생님의 평가에 따라 학생들의 학급이 재배치   있습니다.

           For the first couple weeks of semester, please understand that

          your child may be relocated to a different class after the homeroom teacher's



4.     교과서학습자료비는 개학일에 담임선생님께 납부하여 주시기 바랍니다납부  봉투에 학생이름을 적어 주시고 가능하면 현금 납부 부탁드립니다.

           Please pay the material fee to the homeroom teacher on the first day

          of SchoolAnd write down the student's name on the envelope with cash



         5.  개학 첫 날의 저녁식사는 학부모회에서 전교생에게 제공합니다.

             PTO will be providing meals for the first day of school to every

           school memberFriday and Saturday class

          6. 학부모회에서 주관하는 금요반 학생들을 위한 저녁프로그램은 별도 공지가 


           The dinner program for friday students organized by the PTo will  be

             announced separately from PTO presidents.


7.  학생들의 건강과 안전을 위해 아래 수칙을 준수하여 주시기 바랍니다.

              For our student's health and safety, we continue to follow the policy



안전 수칙 Safety  rule 


1.      학생 등교  반드시 교실로 학생들을 데리고 오시기 바랍니다.  학생들을 주차장에서 바로 내려 놓고 가실 경우 학교에서는 학생들의 안전을 책임지지 않습니다.

When you bring your child(ren) to School, make sure to bring the student(s) to the classroom. We will not be responsible for your child(ren)’s safety if you drop your kids off at the parking lot.


2.      하교 시에는 주차장에서 바로 픽업을 하실  있도록 교사들이 학생들을 인솔하여 나가니 외부에서 대기하시면 됩니다.

After School, teachers will bring students outside and you can pick student(s) up from the parking lot.


3.      결석.조퇴지각의 경우 담임선생님께 미리 알려 주시기 바랍니다.

사전 통보 없이 학생들을 픽업하는 것은 금지합니다

When your child(ren) is absent from school or needs to be picked up earlier, let your homeroom teacher know in advance. You cannot pick up your child(ren) without notice.


건강수칙 Health policy:


1.     아래 증상이 있을 경우 담임교사에게 통보하여 주시고, 학교 등교를 시키지 말아 주시기 바랍니다임께서 학습지료와 숙제물을 이메일로 보내 드립니다.

Please notify your child’s homeroom teacher if the student has conditions below and let your child stay home. Homeroom teachers will send their homework via email.  


1) 열이 거나 covid 혹은 감기 증상이  있을 경우

If student has a fever or any covid/flu-like symptoms

2) Covid 양성이거나 covid 환자와 접촉이 있었을 경우

If a student tests positive for covid or has had close contact with a covid-positive individual.

3)  열이 나거나 기침을  경우 

If he(she) is sick or coughing.  

2.     교실에 학생들이 사용할  있도록  소독제 등을 구비해 두고 있습니다.

Each classroom will be equipped with ample hand sanitizer and wipes.

3. 학생들이 열이 나거나 아플 경우 일찍 귀가 할 수 있도록 학부모님께 통보하며, 반드시 픽업을 하셔야 합니다.

If students have a fever or are sick, students must be picked up when we notified to parents



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